Kimele Persaud

Kimele is a fifth year graduate student in Cognitive Psychology.

As of Fall 2013 Kimele will be a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program Fellow.

In her first year as a graduate student Kimele was an Integrative Education and Research Traineeship (I.G.E.R.T.) fellow.

Kimele graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Bachelors of Science Degree from Delaware State University in May of 2012.

She was awarded fellowships from the  Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Research Scholar Achievement Program at her undergraduate institution, and from Project L/EARN, a research training program provided by the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research at Rutgers University.
She now serves as a mentor for both programs.

Kimele’s research interests include assessing the influence of the natural environment on episodic memory and how memory is updated to include changes in knowledge and expectations.  Investigating memory is important because it is a fundamental component in all aspects of human behavior. Although memory is vital, it is not yet fully understood how memory influences individuals’ interpretation and interactions with their environments.

Visit her website to learn more!

Her updated CV can be found here !

Papers in refereed conference proceedings

Hemmer, P., Persaud, K., Venaglia, R., & DeAngelis, J. (2015). What’s your source: Evaluating the effects of context in episodic memory for objects in natural scenes. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Quebec City, Canada

Presentations at conferences and meetings

Persaud, K., McMann, B., Pei, K. (2017). Shifting priors: Evaluating the crosscultural influence of color expectations on episodic memory. In Gunzelmann, G., Howes, A., Tenbrink, T., & Davelaar, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. London, UK: Cognitive Science Society.

Persaud, K. & Hemmer, P. (2016). The Dynamics of fidelity over the time course of long-term memory. Cognitive Psychology, 88, 1-21.

Persaud, K., Hemmer, P., & Ahluwalia, D. (2016, August). Does Prior Knowledge Influence the Fragility of Associations in Memory? Poster given at Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, New Brunswick, NJ.

Persaud, K. & Hemmer, P. (2016, August). Time Course of Fidelity and Contributing Factors to Long-Term Memory. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.

Persaud, K. & Hemmer, P. (2016, August). Time Course of Fidelity and Contributing Factors to Long-Term Memory. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.

Hemmer, P. & Persaud, K. (2016, August). Does Prior Knowledge Influence the Fragility of Associations in Memory? Talk given at Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, New Brunswick, NJ.

Persaud, K., Hemmer, P., & Ahluwalia, D*. (2016, August). Does Prior Knowledge Influence the Fragility of Associations in Memory? Poster given at Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, New Brunswick, NJ.

Persaud, K. & Hemmer, P. (2016, November). Time Course of Fidelity and Contributing Factors to Long Term Memory. Talk presented at the 57th annual conference of the Psychonomic Society. Boston MA

Hemmer, P. & Persaud, K., (2015). “Episodic Memory across Cultures: From Students in the US to the Tsimane′ of Bolivia” Poster presented at the Annual Context and Episodic Memory Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.

Persaud, K. & Hemmer, P. (2014). The influence of knowledge and expectations for color on episodic memory. 10th Annual Context and Episodic Memory Symposium (CEMS), Philadelphia, PA.

Persaud K., Hemmer P., DeAngelis, J., & Venaglia, R. (2013). “Context effects in episodic memory for natural scenes” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada


Hemmer, P., McMahn, B., & Persaud, K. (in preparation). The language of color: Learning communicative goals in discourse through color labeling.

Persaud, K., Hemmer, P., Venaglia, R.*, & DeAngelis, J.* (in preparation). Global versus Local: Functional Components of Scene Context Effects in Recall.

Journal Articles

Persaud, K. &Hemmer, P. (2016). The Dynamics of Fidelity over the Time Course of Long-Term Memory. (Link to paper here.)

Hemmer, P. & Persaud, K. (2014). Interactions between categorical knowledge and episodic memory across domains. Frontiers in Psychology 5:584. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00584. (PDF)